10 reasons why I HATE being pregnant
- Being starred at like you have something seriously wrong with u. Ya people that bump is a baby!!
- Sitting in the car...MISERABLE
- Although some mommies love the kicking in your ribs, I would rather not have bruises all over my stomach from my little one kicking the crap out of me!
- Peeing honestly five times a hour and ten times a night!
- Feeling so huge, I should be omitted to the rhino cage at the zoo.
- Not being able to see my croch to shave! No I cant handle having hair, this isn't the seventies!
- Having people tell me how cute my belly is and how much they love and miss being pregnant. LIARS!! honestly whats to like about getting fat!
- Not sleeping and knowing I wont for two years!
- Having pre term contractions that make me feel like I am gonna puke three minutes apart for eleven weeks!
- How everything and everyone annoys me and I wanna just scream shut up everywhere I go!
Why people are annoying lol
- Can anyone drive anymore? K so men say that woman cant drive... OTHER way around MEN cannot drive and every time I get annoyed its a man driver! If you are not going eighty, get OUT of the fast lane! If someone is tailing you, MOVE! Do not drive a mini van, they are straight from the devil and as soon as you buy one your driving skills go straight to HELL!
- How mean people are, especially in utah. So yesterday we went to the zoo and this woman comes out of the bathroom acts like she is holding the door for Breck, doesn't and it swings it barely missing her face. To which I just accidently blurt out Bitch!
- Dont you just love when your next in line and someone comes up with a cart full or a stack of crap and sneaks in when there are literally fifty people waiting and one is nine months pregnant holding a balling toddler in one hand and fifty things in the other. People discust me!!
- I also hate going out to eat only to find out your service sucks and your waiter is retarted! If you cant honestly keep track of orders, good luck in life!
Now that all of you think I am worlds biggest monster.... I will be happier!
people keep asking me when babe is coming. I have a apt the thirteenth to get him out but the past few days I have ran around the block, walked around the zoo, sexed and he is still not ready. So my answer is oh never! Eight days!!! I am so excited to be a mommy to this little angel boy and I cant wait to see his little precious face!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will let you all know when that happens :)
Remember I am not a monster, I am pregnant!
Hang in there, Krista! I am so excited for you and your little guy!